Wednesday, June 22, 2011

A long time ago in a country far far away!

It has been a long time since I dont use this blog, so a big gap may be visible to my zero fans!!

The most recent work i been doing on this lands relates to Layar, yes, crappy LAyar!.
Somwhow my very first post were related to extruding Buildings on WorldWind and now, 4 or five years later, I am still working on 3d buildings. Interesting...

During the last two months I've been trying to enable it as a GIS AR client with some limited success. I would mention is a nice idea to have an AR client on Android, however, as they said on some recent presentation, they dont know how to make money from it and they still need a rocking application to prove it!

As a GIS enthusiast and a Geomatics student, I strongly believe on the possibilities created by such merge. Of course my recent work/research/failures on this task has proven many things:
Layar still has potential
Layar can be GIS enabled
Developers at LAYAR are really wasting their time upgrading it with silly features, instead of allowing to display wireframe, transparencies, better sensor calibration, etc.
Layars needs more documentation.

In short, the project looks promising but they need more crunching power on their developers.


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